After 6 years, hundreds of massages, and 2 trips through Caribbean baggage claim the vinyl on my Earthlite massage table was looking pretty sad. Me and that table have been through a lot together so I wasn't even considering buying a new one, I just needed to re-upholster it.
So I called up the local upholstery shop and asked them how much re-upholstering a massage table would run me. Their first question to me was “how much is a new one?” And now I see why... it is expensive as all get out and a real pain in the bahookie! Their quote was $350. Unless I took the table apart myself and brought it to them in pieces, the cost would go down to $150. Score! So I set out to do just that.
I found some sweet lime green marine vinyl, yes lime green, at JoAnn’s fabric for 60% off (insert dancing emoji) and bought 4 yards. Then I dove into taking the table apart, removing the buckles, the hinges, the handles and the hundreds of tiny staples that were holding the upholstery to the table. I parked that puppy upside down in front of the tv, mini flathead screw driver in hand and started popping those suckers off while binge watching YOU. Got it done in one weekend.
The upholstery shop took three days to finish the job and threw in the handles and the face cradle cushion for free.
The good:
The table looked beautiful! I was so happy with the job they did and the shop also put it back together for me.
The bad:
The original upholstery had an extra layer of cushion attached to it which I lost when it was reupholstered. This made the table smaller so it was loose in the massage table bag instead of fitting snug as it used to. The face cradle cover is not shaped exactly how it was before because the marine vinyl is a thicker fabric so it looks more like a boomerang instead of a doughnut but the Velcro keeps it stuck on just fine so it does the job.
Overall, I am REALLY happy I decided to use a professional instead of doing the material installation myself. And I loved that I could pick the material color I wanted- like who else has a lime green massage table?